• CARF Accreditation

    Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities

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    JGW Living has been awarded a full three-year accreditation every through CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) since our first survey in 2003. Three years is the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded to an organization and shows substantial conformance to the standards established by CARF. An organization receiving a three-year accreditation has put itself through a rigorous peer review process and has demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit that its program and services are the highest quality, measurable and accountable.

    Any organization that has been accredited will note that it requires a great deal of work, during the surveys and in maintaining the conformance on an ongoing basis between those surveys. It is work we engage in with enthusiasm because we can see it makes a demonstrable difference in the quality of the services provided to the individuals in our care and our teams.

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    In our last survey in December 2022, CARF specifically noted exemplary conformance in the following JGW services:
    • Team members are engaging and obviously enjoy the work that they do together.
    • Committed to making a difference in the lives of persons served.
    • Known by funders and families as an agency that treats persons served “like family”.
    • Persons served are included in all aspects of their programming whether at their home or the day program.
    • Individuals know their rights, are offered choices, and are treated with kindness and respect.
    • Management and staff members find creative ways to tap into the services in the local community.
  • CARF
